Under the supervision of our Project Management team, Omnia Multilingual Solutions specialists can produce excellent quality work in whatever format is required. All Omnia projects are subjected to stricter quality controls that those required by UNI EN ISO 17100:2017, the standard specifically formulated for translation services.
Omnia Multilingual Solutions provides the latest technology to clients and translation specialists to ensure that work is always accurate, reliable and competitively priced.
Omnia Multilingual Solutions has always pursued above-standard levels of quality.
Omnia Multilingual Solutions’ clients have always recognised the excellence of the service they receive.
Omnia Multilingual Solutions has followed best practices since its formation in 2010. We adhered since the beginning to the EN 15038 quality standard for language services. Over the years we have also applied other specific standards, including SAE J2450, from which we have developed our own quality control procedures based on objective measurements.
Our sensibility to adhere to a Quality Management System confirms the commitment of everybody in our organisation to optimising the quality of every single translation, localisation and DTP project and to offering clients the following benefits:
OMNIA Multilingual Solutions adhere and apply the following standards:
UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 – Quality Management Systems
UNI EN ISO 17100:2017 – Translation Services.
ISO 9001 is the reference standard for any company wishing to subject all aspects of production, from the definition of expressed and implicit customer requirements to the very end of the process, to a documented quality control cycle.
The customer and customer satisfaction are central to ISO 9001; all activities and the implementation and monitoring of activities and processes are designed to ensure the maximum satisfaction of end users.
UNI EN ISO 17100 governs the processes used in translation projects, the processing of documents and information and communications between the supplier and the client. The standard also establishes skill levels and requisites for translators, proof-readers and project managers and focuses on the importance of professional development and continuous training.
J2450 Translation Quality Metric
The original idea behind the J2450 Translation Quality Metric was to establish objective measurements for evaluating and comparing the quality of translated service bulletins in the automotive industry, but the standard was soon adopted by translation service suppliers and car manufacturers too.
The benefits of SAE J2450 are clear enough. Firstly, a concise, statistical approach simplifies the comparison of quality levels between different texts; secondly, the breakdown of errors into specific categories helps to identify particularly critical areas.
Omnia has extended the field of application of SAE J2450 to evaluate feedback from translation reviewers even outside the automotive sector. The feedback categories and seriousness levels we have established are integrated in an evaluation model that includes the feedback score in the final numeric quality evaluation.
The model classifies errors as minor or serious. For example, if a segment contains one minor spelling mistake and one serious error, the report will take both into account. The system assigns weights to 7 categories of error to determine the final evaluation.
The scores for all segments of the job are summed to obtain a total job score. If the overall quality of the job falls below a predetermined threshold, the job fails its SAE J2450 quality control. Sample sizes and sampling frequency vary in practice.